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Google Now este disponibil acum pentru iPhone si iPad

scris de emobil / vineri, 03 mai 2013

Google Now - iOS

Google Now este aplicatia care isi propune sa anticipeze la ce folosesti telefonul si sa iti ofere raspunsul. De exemplu, daca ai un obicei sa verifici vremea sau starea traficul inainte sa pleci la munca, Now iti poate afisa aceste informatii fara sa le mai cauti de fiecare data. Pana acum aplicatia era disponibila pe Android, insa de acum inainte poate fi folosita si pe device-uri iOS.

Google Now iti invata comportamentul, astfel incat ofera raspunsuri din ce in ce mai bune pe masura ce o folosesti. Pe baza informatiilor pe care le accesezi des sau in anumite momente ale zile, Now anticipeaza ce vrei sa cauti si iti ofera informatia respectiva. De exemplu, iti poate afisa stiri, restaurante in zona in care te afli, starea vremii, situatia din trafic sau evenimente din calendar.

Ca sa folosesti Google Now pe iPhone sau iPad, este suficient sa-ti updatezi aplicatia Google Search.

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3 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

02-12-2015 02:29 de Princessjanine

to do with Apple? I just plugged my iP4 in and inelsltad newly released carrier update in iTunes with has fixed this issue with XT and contacts. I quick check and the numbers in my address book now have the correct formatting (+xx xx xxx xxxx and not +xxxxxxxxxxx as before) and all my txt messages have contact details again.I would say that this had everything to do with Apple as they build and release the carrier bundles. Good job by Apple to fix this quickly!(silverfox has made 6 comments)

02-12-2015 20:51 de Lucia

go to Settings >> General >> About and there is an update to the cairrer settings for Telecom taking it to 11.1 which fixes the contacts bug. It was always a cairrer bundle issue that has now been fixed. Nothing to do with Apple.

04-12-2015 16:15 de Pilar

I am having treulbos installing it on my PC with windows 7 it keeps telling me it is not a trusted thing for windows 7 do you want to go ahead Yes or No, can you explain how to fix this problem Thank you

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